1. The party file

The party file is at the heart of teapot. It describes the different third-party softwares to build, and how to build them.

1.1. Structure

The party file is a regular Python file.

Whatever you write in the party file is declarative, meaning that you don’t tell teapot to actually build things, you just tell it what to build, and how. The actual build process will take place later when you call the command-line tool. See the party file as a declaration file.

1.1.1. Attendees

attendees are the main element of the party file. An attendee represents a library/project to build. An attendee can have one or several sources, and one or several builds.

Here is an example that declares two attendees:

from teapot import *


This example, while perfectly valid, is not quite complete: as they are written, those attendees would be able to download and unpack the specified archives, but they don’t know how to build the software they constitute.

Here is a more complete party file with an attendee that actually does something:

from teapot import *

Attendee('iconv').get_build('default').add_command('./configure --prefix={{prefix}}')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default').add_command('make install')

This party file defines completely the way to build libicon, version 1.14. The archive will be downloaded from the specified URL, it will be extracted and built with the usuall autotools scenario (./configure && make && make install).

In the ./configure command, you may notice the specific --prefix={{prefix}} syntax. This makes uses of an extension that will be replaced on runtime by the prefix path for this build.

You may find more information on builds in the Builders section.

If you are used to Python development, you will notice something strange: we defined several times Attendee('iconv') yet it seems to refer to the same object. In teapot, instances of Attendee are memoized, meaning that any instanciation that uses the same name will actually refer to the same instance. The same goes for Build and some other classes. Obviously, this doesn’t prevent you from assigning the instances to variables, like you would do in a regular Python script. So you may actually write the same script that way:

from teapot import *

iconv = Attendee('iconv')

iconv_default = Attendee('iconv').get_build('default')
iconv_default.add_command('./configure --prefix={{prefix}}')
iconv_default.add_command('make install')

Instances of Attendee can be filtered. The filter can be specified either in the first instanciation of the Attendee, or later, using the attendee.filter property.

For instance, to make an attendee only exist on Windows, one could write:

from teapot import *

# During instanciation.
Attendee('iconv', filter='windows')

# Later.
Attendee('iconv').filter = 'windows'

You will learn more about filters in the Filters section.

Attendees can also depend on each other, using the attendee.depends_on() method.

from teapot import *

Attendee('c').depends_on('a', 'b')
Attendee('d').depends_on('a', 'b', Attendee('c'))

The depends_on() method can take zero, one or several attendee names or instances.


If the dependency graph is cyclic, teapot will notice it before even starting the build and will warn you about the problem.

Attendees can also have their custom prefix for installation. For instance, if one attendee needs to install inside a specific subfolder, you may write:

from teapot import *

set_option('prefix', '/tmp/output')

Attendee('iconv', prefix='subfolder')
# or
Attendee('iconv').prefix = 'subfolder'

If prefix is an absolute path, then the parent prefix is ignored. Sources

A source can be anything you want. By default teapot supports three sources types:


Fetches an archive from a web URL in a fashion similar to the wget command. This is the most commonly used fetcher.

Example formats:
  • http://host/path/archive.zip
  • https://host/path/archive.zip

Fetches an archive from a filesystem path. The path can be either local or a network mount point.

Example formats:
  • file://~/archives/archive.tar.gz
  • file://C:\archives\archive.zip

Generates and fetches an archive from a Github-hosted project.

Example formats:
  • github:user/repository/ref

Sources are also filterable, following the same rules than for attendees.

teapot reads the mime type of the archives to extract them. If, for whatever reason, the mime type of the archive cannot be detected for a given source you may specify it in the attendee.add_source() method call, by specifying the mimetype named argument. This can happen for instance when a HTTP webserver is misconfigured and does not specify a Content-Type for a given archive. Unpackers

At some point before the build, teapot must convert a downloaded (often compressed) archive into a source tree. This is what unpackers are for.

The unpacker selection is done automatically, depending on the mime type of the downloaded archive. That is, the only way to choose which unpacker to use, is to change the mimetype of the source.

By default, teapot provides the following unpackers:

Tarball unpacker

An unpacker that can uncompress tarballs (.tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files).

It recognizes the following mimetypes:
  • application/x-gzip
  • application/x-bzip2
Zipfile unpacker

An unpacker that can uncompress zip archives (.zip files).

It recognizes only the application/zip mimetype.

Null unpacker

An unpacker that does nothing. Useful for local files/directories.

It recognizes only the (null, null) mimetype.

You may also extend teapot and implement your own unpackers, should you have specific needs. Builders

One of the most important thing to declare into an attendee, is its builds. A build is responsible for taking an unarchived source tree and creating something by issuing a series of commands.

Builders are declared like so:

from teapot import *

Attendee('iconv').get_build('default').add_command('./configure --prefix={{prefix}}')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default').add_command('make install')
In this simple example, teapot will go into the source tree unpacked from libiconv-1.14.tar.gz and will issue the following commands, in order:
  • ./configure --prefix={{prefix}}
  • make
  • make install

If all of these commands succeed, the build is considered successful as well.


Here {{prefix}} is an extension that resolves at runtime as the current prefix for the build. You can learn more about extensions in the Extensions section.

One attendee can have as many different builds as you want.

Here is an example of a more complex attendee:

from teapot import *

Attendee('iconv').add_build('default_x86', environment='mingw_x86')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default_x86').add_command('./configure --prefix={{prefix}}')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default_x86').add_command('make install')

Attendee('iconv').add_build('default_x64', environment='mingw_x64')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default_x64').add_command('./configure --prefix={{prefix}}')
Attendee('iconv').get_build('default_x64').add_command('make install')

In this example, we define two builds (default_x86 and default_x64) that have exactly the same build commands.

Each build has another environment. The current example lacks the environments definitions for simplicity’s sake. You will learn how to define your own environments in a further section.

Builds can be filtered like attendees and can also have a custom prefix.

1.1.2. Environments

Environments define the execution environment of a build.

An environment can inherit from another environment.

Here is an example of party file that defines environments:

from teapot import *

Environment('mingw_x86', shell=["C:\\MinGW\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\bash.exe", "-c"], variables={'PATH': "C:\\MinGW32\\bin:%PATH%"}, parent='system')
Environment('mingw_x64', shell=["C:\\MinGW\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\bash.exe", "-c"], variables={'PATH': "C:\\MinGW64\\bin:%PATH%"}, parent='system')

In this example, we define two environments that use the same shell (here, bash for Windows). They both inherit from the system environment and each (re)define the PATH environment variable.

An environment dictionary understands the following attributes:


The shell to use.

shell can be a list of command arguments (with the executable as the first argument). This is the recommended way of specifying the shell as it is unambiguous.

If shell is a string, it will be parsed and split into a list using shlex.split(). This method of defining the shell and its arguments can be ambiguous and is therefore not recommended.

shell can also be True (the default), in which case its value will be taken from the parent environment, if it has one.

If no shell is specified, the default one from the system will be taken as specified in subprocess.call().


A dictionary of environment variables to set, remove or override.

Each variable can be set to either a string, or to None.

The behavior a null value depends on the value of parent.

If the environment inherits its attributes from another environment, a null value indicates that the environment variable should be removed from the environment. This is not equivalent to setting its value to an empty string (in this case the variable would still be part of the environment, but would just be empty).

If the environment does not inherit its attributes from another environment, a null value indicates that the value for this environment variable should be the one of the execution environment (the environment into which teapot was called). If the environment variable was not set within the execution environment, it won’t be set in the new environment if its value was null.


parent can be None (the default), or it can be the name of a named environment to inherit from.

If parent is null, none of the existing environment variables are inherited and only the ones defined in the variables attribute will be set.


By default, teapot exposes the execution environment through the name system.

This system environment has all the environment variables that were set right before the call to teapot and uses the default system shell.

1.1.3. Filters

Filters are a way to differentiate teapot execution accross platforms and environments. A filter is basically a test whose result is boolean. It answers a simple question like: am on Windows ? Is MinGW available ?

teapot comes with several built-in filters:

Filter Role
windows Check that teapot is currently running on Windows.
linux Check that teapot is currently running on Linux.
darwin Check that teapot is currently running on Darwin (Mac OS X).
unix Check that teapot is currently running on UNIX (Linux or Darwin).

Check that Microsoft Visual Studio is actually available in the current environment.

It usually means teapot was started from a MSVC command shell.


Check that Microsoft Visual Studio x86 is actually available in the current environment.

It usually means teapot was started from a MSVC x86 command shell.


Check that Microsoft Visual Studio x64 is actually available in the current environment.

It usually means teapot was started from a MSVC x64 command shell.


Check that MinGW is available in the current environment.

The filter will try to find gcc.exe.

All classes can refer to filters using their name (as a Python string) or directly (referring to a teapot.filters.filter.Filter instance).

teapot exposes two helper functions, f and uf which respectively stand for “filter” and “unnamed filter”. Filters can be aggregated using standard bit-wise operators like so:

from teapot import *

# Define a new filter, named 'x64' that is verified if either of the filters `mingw64` or `gcc64` are defined.
f('x64', f('mingw64') | f('gcc64'))

# Define a new filter, named 'foo' that is verified is we run on Windows and with MinGW or on UNIX but not on Darwin.
f('foo', (f('windows') & f('mingw')) | f('unix') & ~f('darwin'))

# Filters can also be created from variables or callables.
f('bar', uf(True) & uf(lambda: True))

# Finally, one can also use the `named_filter` decorator to declare a custom filter.
def has_foo():
    return 'FOO' in os.environ()

1.1.4. Extensions

Extensions are simple functions, that optionally have parameters, which can occur in a build command.

For instance the prefix extension is resolved at runtime and replaced with the complete prefix (as defined at the root of the party file, the attendee and the build).

Valid syntaxes for calling extensions within commands are {{extension}} (no parameters) or {{extension(1, 2, a=4, b="foo")}} (parameters). Syntax for parametrized calls respect the Python function call syntax. That is, you can use positional arguments as well as named arguments.

teapot comes with several built-in extensions:

Extension Parameters Role
root style

Get the absolute path to the root of the party file.

Returns the complete path, in an operating system specific manner.

On UNIX and its derivatives, forward slashes are used. On Windows, backwards slashes are used.

If style is set to unix, forward slashes are used, even on Windows. This is useful inside MSys or Cygwin environments.

prefix style

Get the complete prefix for the current attendee/build.

Returns the complete path, in an operating system specific manner.

On UNIX and its derivatives, forward slashes are used. On Windows, backwards slashes are used.

If style is set to unix, forward slashes are used, even on Windows. This is useful inside MSys or Cygwin environments.

prefix can contain extensions, as long as it doesn’t call itself directly, or indirectly.

prefix_for attendee, build, style

Get the complete prefix for the specified attendee/build.

You must at least specify the attendee parameter.

Returns the complete path, in an operating system specific manner.

On UNIX and its derivatives, forward slashes are used. On Windows, backwards slashes are used.

If style is set to unix, forward slashes are used, even on Windows. This is useful inside MSys or Cygwin environments.

prefix_for can contain extensions, as long as it doesn’t call itself directly, or indirectly.

attendee   Returns the current attendee name.
build   Returns the build name.
full_build   Returns the full build name, that begins with the attendee‘s name.
archive_path style

Returns the current archive path.

On UNIX and its derivatives, forward slashes are used. On Windows, backwards slashes are used.

If style is set to unix, forward slashes are used, even on Windows. This is useful inside MSys or Cygwin environments.

extracted_source_path style

Returns the current source tree path.

On UNIX and its derivatives, forward slashes are used. On Windows, backwards slashes are used.

If style is set to unix, forward slashes are used, even on Windows. This is useful inside MSys or Cygwin environments.

Since source trees are copied to a temporary location before the build, this is not the path were the build actually takes place.

msvc_version   Get the current Microsoft Visual Studio version, as a dotted version string. Example: “12.0”
msvc_toolset   Get the current Microsoft Visual Studio toolset. Example: “v120”

You may also define your own extensions, see teapot.extensions.extension.register_extension().

1.1.5. Other settings

teapot runs with the following defaults:

Parameter Default value Meaning

cache_root ~/.teapot/cache (UNIX) The path where the archives are downloaded to.

%APPDATA%/teapot/cache (Windows)

sources_root ~/.teapot/sources (UNI The path where the sources are unpacked.

%APPDATA%/teapot/sources (Windows)

builds_root ~/.teapot/builds (UNIX) The path where the builds take place.

%APPDATA%/teapot/builds (Windows)

prefix ~/.teapot/install The default party file prefix that gets prepended to all attendees prefixes.

%APPDATA%/teapot/install (Windows)

These settings are to be set use the set_option() method, like so:

from teapot import *

set_option('prefix', 'install')
print get_option('prefix')


When setting options, note that you can also specify a filter to restrict its effect on some platforms/in some environments.

Depending on your project, you may want to set the cache_path to a more local location (you may choose to add them to version control for instance).

1.2. Using teapot

teapot is the command line tool that ships with teapot.

$ teapot --help
usage: teapot [-h] [-d] [-v] [-p PARTY_FILE]
              {clean,fetch,unpack,build} ...

Manage third-party software.

positional arguments:
                        The available commands.
    clean               Clean the party.
    fetch               Fetch all the archives.
    unpack              Unpack all the fetched archives.
    build               Build the archives.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.
  -v, --verbose         Be more explicit about what happens.
  -p PARTY_FILE, --party-file PARTY_FILE
                        The party-file to read.

By default, teapot looks for a file named Party in the current directory. You may change the location of this file by using the --party-file option.

1.2.1. The clean command

teapot fetches the sources archives and stores them in the cache directory. It unpacks those archives in the sources directory. It also build attendees and stores the temporary results inside the builds directory.

Use teapot clean to clean either the cache, sources or the builds directory (or all of them).

The use of this command in normally not needed as teapot knows how to compute dependencies and detect changes automatically.

$ teapot clean --help
usage: teapot clean [-h] {cache,sources,builds,all} ...

positional arguments:
  {cache,sources,builds,all}  The available commands.
    cache            Clean the party cache.
    sources          Clean the party sources.
    builds           Clean the party builds.
    all              Clean the party cache, sources and builds.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit The clean cache command

Cleans the teapot cache directory, where the source archives are stored.

Use this command if, for whatever reason you think the archive cache was corrupted.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are cleaned.

$ teapot clean cache --help
usage: teapot clean cache [-h] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee    The attendees to clean.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit The clean sources command

Cleans the teapot sources directory, where the unpacked archives are stored.

Use this command if, for whatever reason you think the sources were corrupted.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are cleaned.

$ teapot clean sources --help
usage: teapot clean sources [-h] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee    The attendees to clean.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit The clean builds command

Cleans the teapot builds directory, where the build results are stored.

Use this command if, for whatever reason you think the build results were corrupted.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are cleaned.

$ teapot clean builds --help
usage: teapot clean builds [-h] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee    The attendees to clean.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit The clean all command

Cleans the teapot cache, sources and builds directories.

Use this command if, for whatever reason you want to reset the status of your current teapot project.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are cleaned.

$ teapot clean all --help
usage: teapot clean all [-h] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee    The attendees to clean.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.2.2. The fetch command

Fetches the source archives of the specified attendees.

teapot fetch makes sure all the source archives are downloaded for the specified attendees.

If no attendee is specified, the source archives for all attendees are fetched.

By default, this command only fetches archives that weren’t already downloaded. Use the --force option to force the download of all attendees.

$ teapot fetch --help
usage: teapot fetch [-h] [-f] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee     The attendees to fetch.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -f, --force  Fetch archives even if they already exist in the cache.

1.2.3. The unpack command

Unpacks the fetched source archive to prepare for a build.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are unpacked.

$ teapot unpack --help
usage: teapot unpack [-h] [-f] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee     The attendees to unpack.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -f, --force  Unpack archives even if they already exist in the build.

This step is usually not required as it performed automatically whenever needed. Use it when you don’t want to build right away but want the next build to be as fast as possible.

Calling unpack automatically fetches the source archives if they are not present.

1.2.4. The build command

Builds the attendees.

If no attendee is specified, all the attendees are built. If a list of attendees<attendee> is specified, only those attendees and the ones they depend on will be built.

$ teapot build --help
usage: teapot build [-h] [-t tag] [-u] [-f] [-k] [attendee [attendee ...]]

positional arguments:
  attendee            The attendees to build.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -f, --force         Build archives even if they were already built.
  -k, --keep-builds   Keep the build directories for inspection.

Only the builds that didn’t succeeded the last time or the one that changed since the last build are run. To change that behavior, specify the --force-build option.

Temporary build directories are deleted automatically whenever a build terminates (either with a success or a failure), unless the --keep-builds option is specified. In that case, the build directory remains until the build gets restarted.